Author, Speaker, Mentor

Making Big Statements

Helping businesses and entrepreneurs create content that takes action...taking content marketing to the next level.

Provided Resources

I call them 'good idea grenades'. Idea after idea and yet you can't get anywhere. No one is available to give you feedback. You need insight and conversation. You want someone to give you the truth. You need a strategy for your business, your website, and your social media...

Content Creation

In Person, Virtual Webinars


Books, Worksheets, Guided Journals


Books, Worksheets, Guided Journals

Guided Journals

Books, Worksheets, Guided Journals

Content Strategy Christina Mascaro

What I Help People Do:

Create & Curate Content
Understand how content translates into results
Target Audience Development
SEO Strategy

Our Latest Articles

Marketing gets you in front of people, sales is what happens next

Marketing gets you in front of people, sales is what happens next

Marketing gets you in front of people…sales is what happens next When it comes to entrepreneurs and small business (as well as employees in a corporate company), start talking about marketing, and the next thing you know, the lunch table is talking about sales

#brandbosses…social media management is like looking for a job

#brandbosses…social media management is like looking for a job

#brandbosses…social media management is like looking for a job As a brand manager, entrepreneur, and/or business owner, you might think that social media has 1 goal: to get as many followers as possible. But, like everyone else, when I mention the next following revelation

Who are You Helping?

Who are You Helping?

Who are You Helping? Overwhelmingly, the BIGGEST problem that clients have? They just plain and simple need more business. They need more leads. They need MORE clients. Your goal is to have a business. Does it matter if you are selling dirt to a

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