Be Effective With Your Time

Be Effective With Your Time

Be Effective With Your Time Learn to let things go By learning to tie up your loose ends and let things go, you free yourself up for business and self-preservation. If you are tired, stressed, and always in a hurry, you leave yourself no time to rest and think of new creative and productive things. … Read more

Let's Talk About Money

Let’s Talk About Money

Let’s Talk About Money! Money comes from 2 things: you can make it or you can save it. For example: if your goal is to make $5000 per month AFTER expenses, and your incoming is $10,000 but your outgoing is $7,000 your leftover is $3,000. You can:1. Find more money and keep your expenses the … Read more

Marketing gets you in front of people…sales is what happens next

Marketing gets you in front of people, sales is what happens next

Marketing gets you in front of people…sales is what happens next When it comes to entrepreneurs and small business (as well as employees in a corporate company), start talking about marketing, and the next thing you know, the lunch table is talking about sales techniques, advertising, branding, and hey…why not throw in there the dress … Read more

Who Are You Helping?

Who are You Helping?

Who are You Helping? Overwhelmingly, the BIGGEST problem that clients have? They just plain and simple need more business. They need more leads. They need MORE clients. Your goal is to have a business. Does it matter if you are selling dirt to a farmer? Does it matter if you sell luxury cars? Probably not. … Read more

Working Your Way Backward

Working Your Way Backward

Working Your Way Backward How many times do you depressingly sit down and think “this is the most frustrating point I’ve ever been in my life?” It happens to us quite often. Not only does it happen to employees…but it also happens to entrepreneurs and businesses. We often get stuck and think it would be … Read more

What the Heck is User Experience

What the Heck is User Experience?

What the Heck is User Experience? Most employers and business owners plus managers at corporate companies know the term user experience or at least have seen or heard the acronyms UI/UX. But after research, some speculation, and a little experience, most don’t know what it truly means to apply it. User experience designers, (and those … Read more

Get Engaged with Others

Get Engaged With Others

Get Engaged With Others Results are encouraging Participating with other successful women help YOU become successful. The term is to ‘fake it until you make it’ and then truth is, you aren’t faking your business. You are training yourself on how to be a successful woman. Faking being successful doesn’t mean you go out and … Read more